22 October 2010

Will going nuclear today create better future tomorrow?

So, after 3-4 week of informative nuclear information has been given, what do you all readers think about nuclear? Some say green, some say nay, some say yeay and lots more. But the point to ponder upon here is will nuclear today create better future tomorrow? This is really an argumentative question, and I believe many people has different points of view? Well do share them in the comments section. =)

For me, I believe that nuclear energy is a good option to counter global warming. Like what I always emphasis, sustainability and human comfort. This is because, I am an engineer student. As engineer, we do our best to improve human quality life by adding the comfort they are enjoying. On the other hand, we also try our very best to sustain the environment, so that our future generation were able to enjoy what we enjoy today. Today, the most severe problem human kind is facing is global warming. U may not want to admit this, but we know the coldness of yesteryear have been long gone, and today we suffer severe heating at even 11am-4pm in Malaysia!! To prove this statement, the star paper have once publish that the sales of air con over the last few years has been good!. Hence, we need to over come this problem first, as soon as possible.

I think some people might worry about nuclear radiation. Throughout nuclear history, there are 2 most severe case which is the three-mile-island and also Chernobyl. Both cases have shown that nuclear power generation is deadly. Hence, I believe that, some might not be able to sleep peacefully knowing that the nuclear power plant is operating. This is because, we cant predict when accident could happen, and our lecturers have warned us that an accident anywhere is an accident everywhere. This imply that, this is our last nuclear power chance. 1 more accident like Chernobyl will cause the whole world nuclear power plant to shut down for good. However, despite the odds, until we can reduce the global carbon dioxide emission in the world to below 450ppm with other method, nuclear is still one of the best possibility available. This is on par with the resolution come out in the Copenhagen Summit.

In fact, aside from the accident, some might worry bout the nuclear waste, nuclear radiation and also the Malaysian "tak apa lah" attitude in handling the nuclear power plant. Nuclear waste is seriously not a joke. A lecturer whom just got back training from Japan, clearly mention to me indirectly that the nuclear waste is costing a bomb to be cleared. Aside from that, it is highly radioactive and very dangerous to human. However this waste is very little compare with the toxic waste factory produces. As for nuclear radiation, it is proven, a nuclear power plant emits less radiation than a smoker produce when he smokes. **no offense to smokers, but do say TAK NAK!! xD**

So, back to the original question, will going nuclear today create a better future tomorrow? Well, I dare say no one can tell. But do ponder on the picture below. This shows our seriousness in combating global warming with nuclear power. With the availability of nuclear power, we can slowly phaseout fossil fuel power plants which will help our earth to be more sustainable. But who knows what happen to the future? If u do, you would be a billionaire, wont you? =P


  1. i believe nuclear energy is green and we need that technology as soon as we can. but there is still fear among everybody about the risks involved as this is new grounds malaysia is moving into in terms of technology

    joel bharath

  2. I'll agree using nuclear today will create a better tomorrow. The drawbacks or accidents happening is 19 direct accidents and 12 indirect accidents out of 441 nuclear reactors adding the most sophisticated safety features, I daresay our lives are on safe hands.

    Jan Siong Lim

  3. correct me if im wrong but since we have enough power running in our country now and plus the bakun project we have more than enough power.nuclear power is great but we dont really need it yet.for a country filled with many reserves and a mere population of 27mill it is clear that we still have a long way to go.is this project for name sake or a long shot to race up with other developed countries or do we really need it now and without it there is no future?

    Harsukhvir singh godrei

  4. In my opinion, I sill worried about the nuclear radiation. It is because of my poor knowledge. I only study nuclear from the blog that are created by UNITEN students. But,if nuclear is really that good, we should try it.In addition radiation emits from nuclear is lower than a smoker.
    Amirul hafez Bin Darobi

  5. in my opinion, nuclear will do a very good job in helping the enviroment ans also help the country in many ways than just one.
    green house effect will be lowered, lower fuel used to tansport the coal form the mining area to the coal power plants. much good can come from it, but it must not be used for bad =)

